Program NQUEENS (input, output);

          {this program finds one solution to the problem of placing N queens}

          {on an NxN chessboard so they are mutually non-attacking}

            {written by Ron Danielson based on an algorithm by Niklaus Wirth}

            {last modified January 15, 2000}


        const N = 8;       {number of queens}


        type board = record

            row: array[1..N] of integer;    {row[i] = 0 if no queen on row i}

                                                       {otherwise row[i] = column number}

                                                       {in which queen is placed}

            d1: array[2..2*N] of boolean;   {d1[i] = T if no queen on the ith}

                                                        {upper‑right to lower‑left (backward) diagonal}

                                                        {row i, column j corresponds to diagonal i+j}

            d2: array[1..2*N‑1] of boolean; {d2[i] = T if no queen on the ith}

                                                         {upper‑left to lower‑right (forward) diagonal}

                                                         {row i, column j corresponds to diagonal N+i-j}


        var solution: boolean;       {True when solution found}

              chessbd: board;


        procedure clearboard (var chessbd: board);

            var i: integer;


               for i := 1 to N do

                   chessbd.row[i] := 0;

               for i := 2 to 2*N do

                   chessbd.d1[i] := True;

               for i := 1 to 2*N‑1 do

                   chessbd.d2[i] := True

            end;   {clearboard}


        procedure placequeen (currow, col: integer; var chessbd: board);

                  {place queen at board square currow, col}


               chessbd.row[currow] := col;       {row[i] = column containing queen}

               chessbd.d1[currow+col] := False;  {mark backward diagonal occupied}

               chessbd.d2[N+currow‑col] := False  {mark forward diagonal occupied}

            end;   {placequeen}


        procedure removequeen (currow, col: integer; var chessbd: board);

                  {remove queen from board square currow,col}


               chessbd.row[currow] := 0;

               chessbd.d1[currow+col] := True;

               chessbd.d2[N+currow‑col] := True

            end;   {removequeen}


        procedure printsoln (chessbd: board);

            var currow: integer;


                 writeln ('One successful queens placement is:');

               for currow := 1 to N do

                   write(currow:2, ',', chessbd.row[currow]:2, '; ');


            end;   {printsoln}


        procedure trycol (col: integer; var solution: Boolean; var chessbd: board);

                  {try to place a queen in any row in a given column}

                  {start with row N, column N and move up and left}

            var currow: integer;


               currow := N;


                  if (chessbd.row[currow] = 0) and chessbd.d1[currow+col] and


                     then begin                  {square currow, col is legal}

                        placequeen(currow, col, chessbd);

                        if col > 1               {if not leftmost column}

                           then trycol(col‑1, solution, chessbd)    {move left}

                           else begin

                              solution := True;  {solution found}



                        removequeen(currow, col, chessbd)  {backtrack – remove queen placed}

                                                                           {on currow and try another row}

                                                                           {in the same column}


                  currow := currow ‑ 1           {try next row}

               until (currow = 0) or solution    {if 0, no good place in this column}

                                                             {backtrack to next column right by}

                                                             {returning from the recursive call}

            end;   {trycol}



           solution := False;

           clearboard (chessbd);

           trycol(N, solution, chessbd)








One successful queens placement is:

 1, 6;  2, 3;  3, 5;  4, 7;  5, 1;  6, 4;  7, 2;  8, 8;