COEN 396

Human-Computer Interaction

Winter 1997

Interface Analysis 2

Due: In class, March 13

This assignment is another chance to apply some of the interface design and analysis techniques we've talked about in class. As for the first analysis, conduct as thorough an analysis as limited time and subject availability allow.

However, you should work in groups of two to three students, which will allow you to conduct more studies with the same amount of effort per person. I want the names of the members of each group provided to me by email no later than February 28.


This time I want you to choose the package and subject to test yourself, but I want the analysis to specifically focus on the effects of experience level in performance. Also, try to use a different evaluation technique(s) than you did for the first analysis (just to give you some additional experience).


Perform an initial evaluation of the product you are going to test. What does it do well and what does it do poorly? Choose a feature of the product (either something done well or poorly) that you think might produce different performance levels based on experience. A trivial example might be to produce a table (multiple aligned columns) using proportional fonts in a word processor.

Design a simple experiment to evaluate the feature. Perform the experiment using subjects with at least three experience levels (novice, intermediate, expert). It would probably be best if these subjects all had equivalent experience levels with the particular package but different levels of general computer experience. However, you may be able to justify using subjects with equivalent levels of general experience and different levels of experience with the package.

Analyze the results of your experiment. If there was a difference in performance, suggest ways in which the design of the feature could be improved to enhance usability by The poorer performing group(s). Note that this last part may require a second form of data collection.


Your report should include:

In addition, each member of the group should email me with a grade for their colleagues, rating both their level of effort and overall contribution to the project. This grade should involve both a brief narrative description of each member's contribution as well as a letter grade, and be submitted by March 17.


As for the previous analysis, you will be graded on how clearly the evaluation question is phrased, the appropriateness of your choice of method given the question, the degree to which your results follow from your evaluation, and the proposed design of your follow-on analysis.