Energy-Efficient Computing - COEN 129 - Spring 2017

Course Info

Important Dates



Lecture Notes


Project 1 - It's Green!

Find a product/project/solution that claims to have energy-efficient features. Send me the name. FCFS!

You may work alone or with a partner. Presentations are on Tuesday of week 6.

Your 10min presentation must include a description of the product/project/solution and an explanation of its green features.

To get full credit, your presentation must be interesting :)

List of topics:

Project 2 - Research Paper - Presentation

Choose a paper from IGCC (IEEE International Green Computing Conference) 2015 or 2016 or
from GreenCom (IEEE/ACM International Conference on Greem Computing and Commnunications) 2015 or 2016.
Send me the title as soon as possible, FCFS!
These papers are available on IEEE Xplore. Search the conference and click on a link to the conference.

You may work alone or with a partner. Presentations are on Tuesday of week 8.

Your 10min presentation must include the problem, the solution, some interesting details, and results.

To get full credit, your presentation must be interesting :)

Paper Selection:

COEN 129 -- Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the fundamentals of energy-efficient computing.
  2. Understand energy-efficient operating systems.
  3. Understand energy-efficient compilers.
  4. Understand energy-efficient networks.
  5. Understand energy-efficient data centers.
  6. Understand energy-efficient storage.
  7. Read, summarize, and present research papers.