Computer Engineering 12
Abstract Data Types and Data Structures
Catalog Description
Data abstraction: abstract data types; information hiding; interface specification. Basic data structures: stacks, queues, lists, binary trees, hashing, tables, graphs; implementation of abstract data types in the C language. Internal sorting: review of selection, insertion, and exchange sorts; quicksort, heap-sort; recursion. Analysis of run-time behavior of algorithms; Big-O notation. Introduction to classes in C++. Completion of at least four sizable programming assignments (400 lines).
Contact Information
- Instructor: Darren Atkinson (datkinson)
- Teaching assistants: Bill Yi (xyi) and Xiang Li (ilexli)
Online Assignment Access
Course Resources
- General Information
- Exam Solutions
- Project 1: Sets and Arrays
- Project 2: Sets, Arrays, and Hash Tables
- Project 3: Sets, Hash Tables, and Linked Lists
- Project 4: Sets and Binary Search Trees
- Project 5: Sets and Sorting