Computer Engineering 12
Abstract Data Types and Data Structures
Catalog Description
Data abstraction: abstract data types; information hiding; interface specification. Basic data structures: stacks, queues, lists, binary trees, hashing, tables, graphs; implementation of abstract data types in the C language. Internal sorting: review of selection, insertion, and exchange sorts; quicksort, heap-sort; recursion. Analysis of run-time behavior of algorithms; Big-O notation. Introduction to classes in C++. Completion of at least four sizable programming assignments (400 lines).
Contact Information
- Instructor: Yuhong Liu (yhliu)
- Instructor: Darren Atkinson (datkinson)
- Teaching assistants:
- Dominic Magdaluyo (dmagdaluyo)
- Samantha Song (ssong)
- Akash Gupta (agupta6)
Online Assignment Access
Course Resources
- Syllabus
- Term project, introductory video, and grades
- Introductory video and slides
- Lecture Notes
- Recorded Lectures (to be discussed on date given)
- Introduction and Big-O Notation (04/08)
- More Big-O Notation (04/13)
- Sequential and Binary Search (04/15)
- ADTs and Project 3 Overview and Project 3 Preknowledge (04/17)
- Project 3 (Unsorted Case) and Project 3 (Sorted Case) (bonus lecture)
- Hash Tables and Linear Probing (04/20)
- Linear Probing and Quadratic Probing (04/22)
- Min-Max and Deletion (04/24)
- Stacks and Queues (04/27)
- Linked Lists (05/01)
- List Insertion and Deletion (05/04)
- List Traversal (05/06)
- General Trees (05/08)
- Binary Search Trees (05/11)
- Binary Search Trees (05/13)
- Binary Heaps and Project 6 (05/15)
- Huffman Coding Concepts and Project Review (05/18)
- AVL Trees (05/22)
- AVL Tree Practice (05/27)
- Graphs (05/29)
- Introduction to Sorting (06/01)
- Heap and Shell Sort (06/03)
- Quick and Merge Sort (06/05)
- Tutorials
- Programming Projects
- Pre-lab, assignment, solution, and grades
- Pre-lab, assignment, solution, and grades
- Week 1: pre-lab, Week 2: pre-lab, slides, and help submitting, assignment, solution, and grades
- Week 1 pre-lab, Week 2 pre-lab, assignment, solution, and grades
- Week 1: pre-lab and slides, Week 2: pre-lab, and assignment, solution, and grades
- Week 1: pre-lab and slides, Week 2: pre-lab and slides, and assignment