Ying Liu, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
School of Engineering
Santa Clara University

Office: Bergin Hall 1st Floor, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053
Phone: +1(408) 551-3696
Email: yliu15@scu.edu; yingliuub@gmail.com.

Find me at: Google Scholar, Research Gate


The Video and Image Processing (VIP) Lab is now recruiting motivated Ph.D. students to do research in deep learning-based image and video processing. If you are interested, please send an email to Dr. Ying Liu with your CV, GRE scores, TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo scores for international students, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, published papers if any, and potential enrollment date.


The Video and Image Processing (VIP) Laboratory

Video cameras are proliferating at an astonishing rate in recent years. It is predicted that the number of cameras the world will see in 2030 is approximately 13 billion. The huge amount of visual data can be leveraged in a wide range of existing and future applications ranging from mobile video sharing, body-worn cameras, to city surveillance and autonomous vehicles. Recent advances in deep learning have achieved great success in computer vision tasks. The Video and Image Processing Lab currently focuses on deep learning-based image and video compression, visual coding for machines, point cloud coding, vision-language model, and generative AI. The tools we are using involve but are not limited to: convolutional neural network (CNN), generative adversarial network (GAN), recurrent neural networks (RNN), transformers, large vision models, knowledge distillation, etc.

Research Grants

  • Ying Liu (PI), "ERI: Generative Adversarial Networks for Video Coding," National Science Foundation.

  • Nam Ling (PI) and Ying Liu (PI), "Low Complexity and High Efficiency Image and Video Coding with Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Platforms," Kwai, Inc.

  • Nam Ling (PI) and Ying Liu (Co-PI), "Low Complexity and High Efficiency Image and Video Processing with Neural Network on Heterogeneous Platforms," Kwai, Inc.

  • Ying Liu (PI), "Video Generation via Generative Adversarial Networks," Summer Research Stipend, Santa Clara University.

  • Ying Liu (PI), "Deep Learning for Video Coding," School of Engineering Research Grant, Santa Clara University.

  • Ying Liu (PI), "Data-Driven Distributed Video Analytics," School of Engineering Research Grant, Santa Clara University.

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